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How to Approach IT Projects

How to Approach IT Projects Michael Ogolor IT Consultant How to Approach IT Projects How to Approach IT Projects: We’ve all had to participate in some sort of project at some point in our life. These projects might have been personal, at home, at work/office, or even a community project in any form; it could […]

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Understanding The Role of An I.T. Employee

IT is a very broad profession, and only a few people can practice and operate in numerous areas at the same time. For example, I am an IT professional with expertise in website development, network administration, systems administration, systems technician, cybersecurity, UI/UX & graphics, animation & video production, HR, and project management, to name a few.

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Things You Should Consider Before Solar Equipment Installation

A lot of the times, substandard renewable energy equipment is procured and installed which leads to very low efficient power generations, storage and transmission, and in many cases sudden equipment breakdown within a short period after installation….

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Things You Should Consider Before Solar Equipment Installation Read More »

Reasons for failure in renewable energy equipment installation – solar

A lot of the times, substandard renewable energy equipment is procured and installed which leads to very low efficient power generations, storage and transmission, and in many cases sudden equipment breakdown within a short period after installation….

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Reasons for failure in renewable energy equipment installation – solar Read More »

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