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October 2022

UX Design and You: How UX Impacts the User’s Life

Whether it’s buying a car, booking a hotel, or reading an article online, UX covers all aspects of the user’s interaction and their opinion as a result of that interaction. In this post, we’ll explore how UX impacts the user’s life. We will also look at what UX is and its importance in design, examples of great UX in real-world products, as well as some tips for creating great UX in your designs.

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10 reasons you need a website for your business

The design and creation of a website for your brand is a potential next step that you might want to think about if you haven’t already. Why do you need a website, you might be wondering? You need one for your brand or business for the reasons listed below:
• Your customers expect it
• Offers social proof
• Control the narrative
• Maximize ROI
• Website adds to business credibility
• Have more constructive conversations
• Compete with other industry Goliaths
• Fading social media reach
• Expand your working hours
• Showcase your offers

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