Advanced nations are currently slowly building solar farms to take care of a certain percentage of their power generation and consumption. These capacities are improved on every year. Research and development to greatly improve the efficiency of solar harvesting equipment are constantly ongoing and ground breaking breakthroughs are recorded every year. Within the next couple of years, any nation who have refused to invest in the implementation of renewable power will soon find itself left behind.
Electric cars, solar street lights, solar panels – a few of some that most of us have heard of, seen and probably made use of and have testimonies of how well they work.
Now, let’s come down to what this article is really about.
Here in Nigeria, there have been several attempts in some homes and offices to implement some level of solar energy generation. While some failed totally, others performed less than the proposed expectancy.
Quote me anywhere. The reason for such failure is not because the technology is unreliable, crude or crappy as some would say. I have been generating power through solar technology in my home now for several years and I assure you – it works. Ordinarily, I used to spend over four hundred and sixty thousand Naira per year (=N= 460,000). Now, with the implementation of solar technology, I have been able to save more than 60 percent of my electricity bills, bringing it down to roughly one hundred and forty four thousand Naira per year (=N= 144,000).